2019 Purge!


Not the movie this time!… It’s that time in my life when I feel the need to cleanse my space; to rid myself of all the bad energy, negativity and people around me that poison my spirit and block my blessing. THIS IS THE TIME!!

So what or who am I purging one might ask. Well, those ‘friends’ that are only there to watch my every move, nothing else!. They want to see the strides I am making in my life if any; not to emulate or use as encouragement,  but to criticize whether or not what I’m doing is good or bad in their eyes, or see if its working and whether they can ‘one-up’ on me. The ones that constantly ask questions such as, “what’s new?” or “what you doing now?”. They ask this just to make sure you aren’t any better off than they are. Others feel talking about your success is boasting, and they take it upon themselves to remind you that there are other important things in life that you can do rather than take the road you’re on...PURGE!

To that love life that isn’t LOVE…PURGING!.

We all have those moments when we ‘procrastinate’, ‘giving up’ and ‘doubt’ ourselves because we have failed so many times before. What are we waiting for to throw old habits away? 

After doing a bit of self-evaluation and meditation; I came to the realization that there are so many things and people that I need to remove from my space that may be blocking my blessing. So I started with a prayer, then I went into my contact list on my phone and enjoyed deleted the above mentioned, and boy oh boy it felt good. I literally think my phone feels lighter in my hand, lol. It is one thing to carry the weight and burden of our own problems, and then to have others drag you down or poison your space with negativity. Some things and people are just too TOXIC to take with me in 2020, and for that reason, they MUST GO…PURGED!!!

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